What is Algo Trading?

Algorithmic Trading, also known as Algo Trading , refers to the use of computer algorithms to execute trading strategies in financial markets. Instead of human traders making manual decisions, algorithmic trading relies on pre-programmed instructions to automatically place trades based on predefined criteria, such as price, volume, or other market indicators.

Imagine having a smart computer program that works non-stop to buy and sell stocks quickly and accurately. This innovative approach removes the influence of emotions and makes decisions based on logic. It's like having a trustworthy assistant who works 24/7, keeping an eye on the markets, managing risks, and making sure everything runs smoothly.

Why is algo trading preferred by traders?

Why is algo trading preferred by traders?

High accuracy and Speed

Algo trading executes orders faster and more frequently than humans, enabling real-time capitalization on market opportunities.

Minimizes Emotions

Execute trades free from emotions, ensuring optimal profit-taking and effective loss-cutting decisions.

Consistency and Discipline

It ensures consistency in executing trading strategies, as decisions are based on predefined rules, that are free from human emotions or biases.

Reduced Transactional Costs

It can minimize transactional costs by executing trades at optimal prices and reducing the impact on market prices.

Portfolio and Risk Management

Finely tune your risk management by using algorithms  to implement stops and limits on your behalf.

Backtested Strategies

It allows for testing strategies using historical data to assess their viability before applying them in live markets.

Real-time Monitoring and Customization

Traders can monitor live market data and make real-time adjustments to algorithms, allowing for customization and adaptation to changing market conditions.

Our Live Algo Trading Strategies

  • Brahmastra
  • Chakravyuh Ka Tod Nifty
  • Chakravyuh Ka Tod Bank Nifty
  • Guruvar Ka Guru
  • Shaant Bazaar Ka Raja
  • Teji Mandi Ka King
  • Teji Mandi Ka King 2
  • Turtle Trader

How do you get started

how do get ?



All it takes is 15 min, your PAN card, Aadhar card and bank statement.




Add money to your trading wallet and withdraw anytime.




Login to your trading account through web app, mobile app, or desktop app.

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What is Algo trading?
Does Algo trading really work?
Is Algo trading safe?
What are the best Algo trading strategies?
What is the difference between automated trading and algo trading?
Why use algorithmic trading?
What are the benefits of algo trading platforms?
Is algo trading easy?
How effective is algo trading?
Which technology is used in algo trading?
What are the most commonly used algorithms for algo trading?
Which strategy is best for algo trading?
What is the objective of algo trading?
How AI is used in algo trading?
Do algo trading have rules & regulations to follow?