We have a dedicated team of CFAs, CAs and MBAs to help start-ups to build a model, taking into consideration all the relevant factors, growth and risk assumptions.
We carry out valuation of the start-ups and corporate to calculate the fair market value of shares.
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The process of calculating the present value of a business, an asset or an investment is referred as valuation.
Yes, valuation is the major part of Investment Banking.
There are different methods of valuation. The most commonly used method is DCF which represents the net present value of the projected cash flows.
Financial modeling is the process of creating a summary of a company's expenses and earnings in the form of a spreadsheet that can be used to calculate the impact of a future event or decision.
The four major components of financial modeling are Income statement, Balance Sheet, Cash flow statements and a debt schedule.
Registered valuer and merchant banker valuer valuation report are required when you issue equity or preference shares to the investors. There are two types of valuation reports.