Syndicated Loans offered by Swastika

Term Loan

Term Loan

We help companies in arranging term-loans for expansion plans of the existing projects as well as for new projects form one or more banks. We thoroughly examine the future cash flows and accordingly arrange funds

Working Capital Loan

Working Capital Loan

Working Capital Loan is usually sought to cover the working capital requirements of the business. One of the advantages of such loans is that they are easy to apply. It enables business owners to effectively fill any gaps in working capitals expenditure.We help companies in arranging working-capital loans to enable them to efficiently fill any gaps in working capital expenditure

Revenue Based Financing

Revenue Based Financing

Revenue based financing is the way for businesses to raise fund from the investors by leveraging the estimated earnings.We help businesses to access funding through revenue based financing without diluting ownership.

Bill Discounting

Bill Discounting

By discounting the outstanding invoices, the company can get short-term support and maintain working capital requirements. It is often known as "Invoice Discounting".

Venture Capital Debt

Venture Capital Debt

Venture finance is a sort of financial funding used by startups and early-stage businesses. This kind of debt financing is often used in connection with equity financing. Venture debt financing is for the start-ups that are already backed by VC funding.

Acquisition Financing

Acquisition Financing

Capital that is received with the intention of acquiring another company is known as acquisition finance. By offering quick resources that can be used for the deal, acquisition finance enables to fulfill the current acquisition objectives.

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What is meant by loan syndication?
What is benefit of loan syndication?
What are the types of syndicated loans?
What are 3 types of term loan?
What are the reasons to get working capital loan?