Dhanteras, dedicated to worshipping the Goddess of Wealth, marks an auspicious day for new pur-chases and people tend to grab onto some form of financial investment. And with Dhanteras commences the five-day Deepavali festivities.
The purchase of precious metals such as gold and sil- ver, real estate, electronic items, and automobiles, among others, is specially timed by many on this auspicious day.
Diwali is also considered an auspicious time to invest, and many people choose to invest in gold during this peri- od. Buying gold, a safe haven asset, during this festival is believed to bring good fortune and growth in one's wealth.
"Beyond the symbolic and cultural significance, the use of gold during Diwali also has practical financial implications. For many, it is an opportunity to invest in an asset that can appreciate over time, providing a sense of financial security," said Nirpendra Yadav, Senior Com- modity Research Analyst at Swastika Investmart Ltd.