Stock market timings play an important role in helping investors to know about the market opening and market closing to ensure easy yet fast transactions. Also, it helps investors to take advantage of stock movements in the market and hence it becomes easier for them to make easy money.
It is important to know that the stock market opening time and stock market closing time vary for different countries in different time zones. Indian stock markets enable investors to trade only during a fixed timing of the day.
There are two major exchanges in the country namely Bombay stock exchange and National Stock Exchange in which the investors can trade through. Now, we will cover the stock market opening and stock marketing closing timings of the leading indices in India BSE and NSE.
Share Market Timings for BSE and NSE:
Pre Open Session:
The pre-opening timings start from 9.00 am and end at 9.15 am. The session is also known as order entry session. Here, investors can buy or sell any securities during this time.
The session is classified into three sub-sessions.
9.00 am - 9.08 am - This session is also known as order entry sessions where orders for any transactions can be placed. In other words, you can easily place the orders for transactions of any stock. Moreover, you can also modify or cancel orders during the time.
9.08 am - 9.12 am - The segment is used for price determination of security as it is used to calculate the opening price of the regular session. Also, this session is used for matching orders as it is done by corresponding demand and supply prices to ensure accurate transactions among investors who want to purchase or sell a security.
Price matching orders help investors in determining the price at which security is transacted during the Indian stock market timings.
9.12 am - 9.15 am - This session is used as a transition period between the pre-opening session and normal Indian share market timings. Also, no such transactions can be placed during this time.
Normal Session
This is the fundamental Indian share market timing that lasts from 9.15 am to 3.30 pm. Transactions processed during this time follow a bilateral order matching system, whereas price determination is done through demand and supply. Bilateral order machine systems are highly volatile in nature and hence there are multiple market fluctuations which can be reflected at any time in security prices.
Continuous Trading Session
This is one of the busiest sessions as in this trading session, mostly buying and selling of shares takes place. Hence, it is also known as primary share market timings. The continuous trading session starts from 9.15 am and ends at 3.30 pm. During this period, trades continue as orders match at time priority.
There are few things, which investors need to consider while trading during the session:
The closing price of the stock is measured as the weighted average of the stock prices between 3.00 - 3.30 pm. The closing price for BSE and NSE is calculated as the weighted average of the stock for the last 30 minutes or between 3.00 pm -3.30 pm.
Post Closing Session
The stock market timing in India is marked at 3.30 pm. It is held between 3.30 pm to 04.00 pm. During this time period, you are allowed to bid for the following day’s trade. If there are enough buyers and sellers, bids placed during this period are confirmed. It should be noted that the bids placed during 3.30 pm - 4.00 pm are not affected by the opening price of the stock market. Hence, if the closing price exceeds the opening price, then bids can be cancelled by the investors.
After Market Order (AMO)
AMO in which you can place orders to buy or sell the stock for the next trading day. This is apt for investors who are unable to monitor the market during the opening and trading session.
The overall stock market timings in India can be described as follow:
S.NoNameTime1Pre-opening 9.00 am -9.15 am2Normal Session9.15 am - 3.30 pm3Closing Session3.30 pm - 4.00 pm
How Can You Invest in the Stock Market?
Needless to say, the stock market is a great place where investors can grow their wealth. Strategic trading on the stock market can help you increase your income, also well-managed trading helps you to get constant returns which can be more than your income.