इस सप्ताह फेड की अहम बैठक के अलावा दूसरे ग्लोबल फैक्टर महत्वपूर्ण होंगे| भारतीय शेयर बाजार इस साल ग्लोबलमार्केट से बेहतर प्रदर्शनकर रहे हैं, लेकिन पिछला सप्ताह भारतीय शेयर बाजार के लिए एकशानदार सप्ताह रहा था, जहां निफ्टी और सेंसेक्स ने17,793 और 59,737 के अपने नएउच्चतम स्तर को छुआ, साथही बैंक निफ्टी भी अपने उच्चत्तमस्तर पर पहुंच गयाहै| टेलीकॉम क्षेत्र के लिए राहतपैकेज, बेड बैंक की घोषणा, एफआईआईद्वारा जोरदार खरीदारी, और बड़े पैमानेपर शॉर्ट-कवरिंग भारतीय शेयर बाजारों के बेहतर प्रदर्शनके प्रमुख कारण थे।
बेहतरप्रदर्शन के बाद भारतीयबाजार के लिए अगलाहफ्ता महत्वपूर्ण होने जा रहा हैक्योंकि ग्लोबल बाजारों में कुछ कमजोरी है जहां 21-22 सितंबरको होने वाली एफओएमसी की बैठक कानतीजा एक महत्वपूर्ण फैक्टरहोगा। ऐसी संभावना है कि यूएसफेड बॉन्ड टेपरिंग की समय-सीमाके बारे में बात कर सकता हैजो नवंबर तक हो सकतीहै और इस वजहसे ग्लोबल इक्विटी बाजारों में सतर्कता देखने को मिल सकतीहै| चीन से मंदी केकुछ संकेत मिल रहे है जो भी चिंता का एक विषयहै, विशेष रूप से मेटल सेक्टरके लिए जहां अधिकांश मेटल शेयरों में पिछले सप्ताह से ही कमजोरी दिखाई देने लगी है। यूएस फेड के अलावा, बैंकऑफ जापान भी 22 सितंबर को अपनी मोनेटरी पॉलिसी जारी करेगा। अमेरिका और अन्य देशों में बढ़ते COVID-19 के मामले भी बाजार के मूड को बिगाड़ सकते हैं।
डॉलर इंडेक्स और अमेरिकी बांड यील्ड पर रहेगी नज़र
डॉलरइंडेक्स का उतार-चढ़ावऔर यूएस बॉन्ड यील्ड भारत जैसे उभरते बाजारों के चाल मेंअहम भूमिका निभाएंगे। डॉलर इंडेक्स 93.5 के महत्वपुर्ण रेसिस्टेन्सस्तर के आसपास कारोबारकर रहा है और अगरयह इस स्तर कोपार करने में सक्षम हो जाता हैतो हमे इसमे तेज उछाल की उम्मीद कर सकते हैं, इसके अलावा यूएस 10-ईयर बॉन्ड यील्ड भी निचले स्तरोसे उछाल के संकेत देरही हैं। यदि डॉलर इंडेक्स और बॉन्ड यील्ड में वृद्धि होगी तो एफआईआई की रणनीति को देखना महत्वपूर्ण होगा क्योंकि हमने पिछले कुछ दिनों में एफआईआई द्वारा बड़ी खरीदारी देखी है और इससेलार्ज-कैप शेयरों में अच्छी तेजी आई है।
हमएक मजबूत बुल मार्केट में हैं और हमारा माननाहै कि यह अगले2-3 वर्षों तक जारी रहसकता है, लेकिन लंबे समय के बाद, कुछ फैक्टर ऐसे हैं जो संकेत देते हैं कि बाजार मेंएक शार्ट टर्म करेक्शन देखने को मिल सकताहै| निफ्टी मिडकैप इंडेक्स 30500 के रेजिस्टेंस सेपलट रहा है और निफ्टीमें भी 17800-17850 रेजिस्टेंस जोन के पास कुछ बिकवाली का दबाव देखा गया|
निचे की ओर 17,430-17,250 एक महत्वपूर्ण सपोर्ट क्षेत्र है; इससे नीचे, हमें बाजार में कमजोरी देखने को मिल सकती है और निफ़्टी 16,700 के स्तर की ओर अग्रसर हो सकता है, जबकि अगर निफ्टी 17,800-17,850 क्षेत्र के ऊपर निकलने में कामयाब हो जाता है तो हम उम्मीद कर सकते हैं कि यह 18000 के लेवल तक जा सकता है|
दिवाली को निवेश करने के लिए भी शुभ समय माना जाता है और कई लोग इस दौरान सोने में निवेश करना चुनते हैं। सोने को एक सुरक्षित निवेश के रूप में देखा जाता है और ऐसा माना जाता है कि दिवाली के दौरान सोना खरीदने से सौभाग्य और धन में वृद्धि होती है। प्रतीकात्मक और सांस्कृतिक महत्व से परे, दिवाली के दौरान सोने के उपयोग के व्यावहारिक वित्तीय निहितार्थ भी हैं। कई लोगों के लिए, यह एक ऐसी संपत्ति में निवेश करने का अवसर है जिसमे समय के साथ बढ़ोतरी होती है, जिससे वित्तीय सुरक्षा की भावना मिलती है। रोशनी का त्योहार खुशी, एकजुटता और उत्सव का समय है। सोना, अपने प्रतीकात्मक और व्यावहारिक महत्व के साथ, इन उत्सवों में केंद्रीय भूमिका निभाता है। यह सिर्फ एक धातु से कहीं अधिक है; यह धन, समृद्धि और उज्जवल भविष्य की आशा का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। चाहे वह आभूषणों, सिक्कों या सजावट के रूप में हो, दिवाली के दौरान सोने की चमकती उपस्थिति हमें प्रचुरता, उदारता और अंधेरे पर प्रकाश की जीत के मूल्यों की याद दिलाती है। चूँकि दुनिया भर में दिवाली मनाई जा रही है, इस बहुमूल्य धातु की सुनहरी चमक हमेशा उत्सव का एक अविभाज्य हिस्सा बनी रहेगी। वर्तमान में विभिन्न देशों के बीच भू-राजनीतिक तनाव बढ़ रहा है, जिससे अनिश्चितता बढ़ रही है। अनिश्चितता के समय में सोने की भूमिका अहम हो जाती है और यह भू-राजनीतिक तनाव, आर्थिक उथल-पुथल और प्राकृतिक आपदाओं के कारण निवेशकों के पैसे को अवमूल्यन से बचाता है। हाल के दिनों में, इज़राइल ने हमास के खिलाफ युद्ध की घोषणा की है, जबकि रूस और यूक्रेन के बीच 2022 से युद्ध चल रहा है। नतीजतन, वैश्विक अर्थव्यवस्था में मुद्रास्फीति तेजी से बढ़ी है, और मुद्रास्फीति के खिलाफ बचाव के लिए सोना सबसे अच्छा परिसंपत्ति वर्ग है। हालाँकि, यूएस फेड और अन्य प्रमुख केंद्रीय बैंकों ने बढ़ती मुद्रास्फीति को नियंत्रित करने के लिए अपनी ब्याज दरें बढ़ाना शुरू कर दिया है, लेकिन उच्च उधार लागत वैश्विक विकास को नुकसान पहुंचा रही है। वर्तमान में, अमेरिका में ब्याज दरें 5.5 प्रतिशत पर हैं, जो काफी अधिक है, और ब्याज दरों में और वृद्धि से आर्थिक उथल-पुथल हो सकती है। हालांकि 2024 के मध्य में ब्याज दर में कटौती की उम्मीद है, और इससे सोने की कीमतों को समर्थन मिल सकता है। चल रहे भूराजनीतिक तनाव और मंदी के डर ने सेफ हैवन की मांग बढ़ा दी है, और यह 2024 तक जारी रह सकती है। हम उम्मीद कर रहे हैं कि अगले साल तक कॉमेक्स डिवीजन में सोने की कीमतें 2250 डॉलर तक बढ़ सकती हैं, जबकि एमसीएक्स में कीमतें 64,000 रुपये से 66000 रुपये प्रति दस ग्राम तक बढ़ सकती हैं। सोने की कीमतों को 56000 पर महत्वपूर्ण समर्थन प्राप्त है। चांदी की कीमतें भी ऊपर की ओर बढ़ रही हैं और आगामी वर्ष में 78000 से 80000 प्रति किलोग्राम के स्तर का परीक्षण कर सकती हैं।
It will be announced tomorrow, Friday, September 30, what the Reserve Bank of India's monetary policy committee has decided, and it is anticipated that the RBI may raise rates by 35 to 50 basis points to control inflation.Other central banks are now doing the same thing after the US Fed raised interest rates by another 75 basis points. To safeguard the rupee and keep inflation under control, the RBI appears prepared to raise rates in the upcoming MPC by 35 or more basis points.We anticipate a 50bp hike in the repo rate at the forthcoming meeting on September 30 and another 50bp increase at the meeting in December, bringing the repo rate to 6.4% by December 2022.Next, the RBI might prefer not to change its stance at this time if markets, particularly the FX market, are erratic before the September policy announcement. However, if the turbulence abates, they very well may change their position.
Given that the quarterly trajectory appears to be following the RBI's projections, we do not believe the RBI will alter its 6.7% inflation forecast for FY23 (HSBC: 6.9%). On the other hand, given the unfavorable surprise in June, it might lower the 7.2% growth prediction (HSBC: 6.8%).
Bulls look for relief rally amid cool-off in energy prices
It was a brutal sell-off at Dalal street last week where headline indices Nifty and Sensex lost more than 5% with a break of key support levels. Weak global cues, a sharp rate hike in the USA, and aggressive selling by FIIs were key reasons for last week's turmoil.
The market has no major cues this week but bulls will look for a relief rally after a sharp fall in energy prices over the weekend. The brent crude oil prices have dipped to the $113 level after hitting a high of $125 per barrel. However, relentless selling by FIIs is a key concern for the Indian markets, where last week they sold more than 23000cr in the cash market. On the global front, the market has an eye on the Russia-Ukraine situation as there is some hope for any peace agreement. On the domestic front, the rupee movement and the development of the monsoon will be other important factors for the market.
Technically, Nifty has surrendered key support of the 15700 level and there is a risk of further downside, where 15000 is a key psychological support level then 14500 is the next major support therefore 15000-14500 is a key demand zone where we can expect a bottom formation. However, On Friday's trading session, Nifty formed a Doji candlestick formation followed by a sharp sell-off therefore low of the Doji candle, which is placed at the 15183 level, will act as an immediate support level. On the upside, 15500/15700 are immediate and critical resistance levels.
Banknifty has slipped below the psychological level of 33000 however 32250-32000 is an immediate and critical demand zone where we can expect a bounce back; below this, 30500 will be the next support level. On the upside, if 33000 is an immediate hurdle then 33750-34000 is the next supply zone.
If we look at the derivative data, then the long exposure of FIIs in the index future is a multi-year low of 13% whereas the put-call ratio is sitting at 0.75 level, therefore, the overall market looks oversold.
Inflation is spooking market sentiments ahead of the FOMC meeting
Bulls had a dreadful weekend after the US inflation figures hits a 40-year high, leaving US markets in a tizzy on Friday. The US FOMC's decision is due on 15th June and the market is fearing aggressive rate hikes amid the inflation monster. Bank of Japan will also announce its credit policy next week on 17th June. It will be salient to watch the behavior of FIIs' amid the panic in global equity markets as they have been selling relentlessly for the past 8 months.
On the domestic front, our CPI inflation will be announced on 13th June and WPI will be announced on 14th June.
Apart from this, movement of rupee and crude oil will be other important factors.
Nifty has slipped below its 20-DMA, raising concerns for a fresh round of selling where 16050 is the immediate support level while 15900-15700 is the critical support area. On the upside, 20-DMA of 16300 will act as an immediate hurdle while 16500 is the next major hurdle.
Bank nifty has also slipped below its 20-DMA which could lead to further selling pressure where 33800 is the immediate support level while 33000-32500 will be the critical support zone. On the upside, 20-DMA of 34800 will act as an immediate hurdle.
If we talk about derivative data, FII's long exposure to index futures has come down to 21% which is extremely oversold zone while PCR is also trading at oversold level of 0.88. An oversold market is only a hope for the bulls, although the market may remain oversold for a long time.
पिछले सप्ताह अब तक सोने में लगभग 1.6 प्रतिशत तक की तेज़ी हुई और जनवरी में सोना लगातार दूसरे साप्ताहिक लाभ के लिए तैयार रहा। हालांकि 2022 में इसकी सकारात्मक शुरुआत हुई है, लेकिन यह सोने के लिए एक कठिन वर्ष हो सकता है। क्योकि ज्यादातर प्रमुख केंद्रीय बैंक ब्याज दरे बढ़ाने के लिए तैयार है।
हालांकि कीमती धातुओं के निवेशकों ने अमेरिकी. फेडरल रिजर्व के नीतिगत फैसले को अब तक पचा लिया है जिससे कीमती धातुओं ने लगातार दूसरे सप्ताह भी बढ़त दर्ज की है। निवेशक अब फेड के अगले नीतिगत फैसले का इंतजार कर रहे हैं, जो इस सप्ताह 26 जनवरी को दिया जाएगा। आर्थिक आकड़ो के मोर्चे पर, गुरुवार को जारी अमेरिकी आंकड़ों के मुताबिक पूरे सप्ताह में 286000 प्रारंभिक बेरोजगार दावे दायर किए गए, जो तीन महीने का उच्च स्तर है। जनवरी में फिलाडेल्फिया फेडरल रिजर्व मैन्युफैक्चरिंग इंडेक्स बढ़ कर 23.2 रहा। मौजूदा घरेलू बिक्री घट कर 6.18 मिलियन पर रही। चीन के तिमाही जीडीपी के आंकड़े अनुमान से बेहतर दर्ज किये गए। जापान से जारी आंकड़ों के मुताबिक राष्ट्रीय मुख्य उपभोक्ता मूल्य सूचकांक में साल-दर-साल 0.5 प्रतिशत की वृद्धि हुई है और राष्ट्रीय सीपीआई में दिसंबर में साल-दर-साल 0.8 प्रतिशत की वृद्धि हुई है। ब्रिटैन से जारी हुए मुद्रास्फीति (सीपीआई) के आकड़ो में भी वृद्धि दर्ज की गई है। कच्चे तेल के भाव में पिछले सप्ताह ₹250 रुपये प्रति बैरल की वृद्धि देखि गई। बढ़ते हुए कच्चे तेल के भाव से एक बार फिर मुद्रास्फीति बढ़ने का डर निवेशकों में रहा जिसके कारण शेयर बाज़ारो में बिकवाली का दबाव बना रहा और कीमती धातुओं में सुरक्षित निवेश की मांग मजबूत हुई है। रूस और यूक्रेन के बीच तनाव और ब्रिटैन में चल रही राजनितिक उठा पटक, कीमती धातुओं को सपोर्ट कर रही है। चीन ने पिछले सप्ताह अपनी एक और पांच साल की लोन प्राइम रेट पर कटौती कर दी और बैंक ऑफ़ चाइना के वाईस गवर्नर ने आगे भी राहत पैकेज देने के संकेत देकर बाजार की उम्मीद को बढ़ाया है। जिससे कीमती धातुओं की चमक बढ़ने लगी है।
सोने और चांदी के भाव इस सप्ताह अमेरिकी फ़ेडरल बैंक की बैठक होने से, सीमित दायरे में रह सकते है। सोने को ₹47000 रुपये पर सपोर्ट और ₹47800 रुपये पर प्रतिरोध है। चांदी को ₹63000 रुपये पर सपोर्ट और ₹66000 रुपये पर प्रतिरोध है।
In this Blog, we will discuss the Impact of FIIs Selling. In the last few days, foreign investors have sold sharply in the Indian stock market. They have withdrawn more than 17,000 crore rupees in just 5 days. Experts say investors have a good chance of buying every fall.
The Indian stock market has been declining for the past month. Experts say the selling round may continue next month. However, FIIs are expected to return in the new year. Since then the market has been in a downward trend. it has fallen to 58680 levels. The Sensex has lost 3581 points.
According to information on SEBI's website, foreign investors sold for Rs 17900 crore in November. 87,000 crore has been withdrawn from the Indian stock market since the current financial year i.e. April 1.
On the other hand, domestic investors have made purchases worth Rs 13,000 crore in November. While shares worth Rs 69,000 crore have been purchased this fiscal.
Stock market experts said that the US is the main reason for foreign investors withdrawing money from India.
In the First place, experts revealed that the US central bank, the Federal Reserve, had given a relief package to bail out the economy from the corona. Under this package, the amount was directly received by the general public. Many more steps were taken for the economy at that time.
Secondly, those relief steps are set to be withdrawn. One of these is the decision on the interest rate. next month the US the central bank could raise federal reserve interest rates. In such a situation, the Indian markets will not be very beneficial for investing money.
The U.S. dollar will rise. This will increase the weakness in the rupee. That's why investors are returning to the U.S. markets. benchmark US 10-year treasury yields rose sharply, reducing the yield gap between the US and India.
Now, the situation is like FIIs are relocating their assets to the United States because of the dollar's strength over other currencies. This permits homegrown financial investors to buy Indian equities at a flexible discount, bringing about the inconsistency between DII inflows and FII outflows.
All through this fiscal year, the Federal Reserve has been out of a way for the clearing post-pandemic time, remembering a decrease for bond buys.
At last, US 10-year depository yields expanded all the more quickly, shutting the yield divergence between the US and India. This caused FIIs to pull out certain funds, while domestic investors maintained their positions very well, another analyst said.
Many stock market research analysts said that small investors have a good chance of buying Indian stocks. Hence, it would be the right decision to invest money in the shares of banking and financial companies.
The US has a 34 per cent stake in foreign investors investing money in India. it is followed by Mauritius (11 per cent), Singapore (8.8 per cent), Luxembourg (8.6 per cent), Britain (5.3 per cent), Ireland (4 percent), Canada (3.4 per cent), Japan (2.8 per cent) and Norway and the Netherlands (2.4 per cent).
These 10 countries hold 83 per cent of Indian FPI investment. Coming to equity trading investment, the US accounts for 37 per cent, followed by Mauritius with 11 per cent. Singapore (29 per cent) tops debt investment and Luxembourg (11 per cent) is second.
Authorities on the matter agree worldwide that the move would diminish interest rates dissimilarity between the US and developing business markets like India, making them less appealing compared to others.
तेज़ी से बढ़ती हुई मुद्रास्फीति के बीच सोने और चांदी के भाव में ऊपरी स्तरों पर बिकवाली का दबाव बना हुआ है। सोने के भाव के लिए पिछला सप्ताह पांच महीनों में सबसे मंदी वाला साबित हुआ है। मुद्रास्फीति को नियंत्रित करने के लिए अमेरिकी फेडरल रिजर्व बढ़ती मुद्रास्फीति को रोकने की उम्मीद से अधिक बांड टेपरिंग और ब्याज दरों में तेजी से बढ़ोतरी करेगा। पिछले सप्ताह रिज़र्व बैंक ऑफ़ न्यूज़ीलैण्ड ने भी ब्याज दरों में बढ़ोतरी की है। और प्रमुख केंद्रीय बैंक द्वारा भी मुद्रास्फीति नियंत्रण के लिए कदम उठाने की सम्भावना बढ़ने लगी है जिसके कारण सोने और चांदी के भाव में बिकवाली का दबाव बना है। कच्चे तेल की बढ़ती कीमतों को कम करने के लिए भारत, अमेरिका, जापान और चीन द्वारा अपने तेल भंडार से कच्चे तेल की आपूर्ति बढ़ाने पर सहमत हुए है। जिसका असर कच्चे तेल के भाव में पिछले सप्ताह आई गिरावट पर दिखा है जो कीमती धातुओं में दबाव बना रहा है। इन अटकलों के बीच के अमेरिकी फेड बांड टेपरिंग को 15 बिलियन से बढ़ा कर 30 बिलियन तक कर सकता है और ब्याज दरों में वृद्धि अनुमान से पहले हो सकती है, सोने और चांदी के भाव ऊपरी स्तरों से टूट गए। हालांकि, यूरोप में कोवीड -19 की चौथी लहर आने की खबर और कोरोना के नए संस्करण से सोने के भाव में निचले स्तरों पर सपोर्ट रहा है। घरेलु वायदा सोने में पिछले सप्ताह ₹1600 प्रति दस ग्राम की गिरावट देखी गई जबकि सप्ताह के अंत तक कीमतों में निचले स्तरों से सुधार हुआ और भाव ₹48100 प्रति दस ग्राम के करीब रहे। चांदी के भाव पिछले सप्ताह में ₹3200 तक टूटे और भाव ₹63400 प्रति किलो पर रहे।
इस सप्ताह मंगलवार को अमेरिकी फेड चेयर जेरोम पॉवेल का भाषण, बुधवार को एडीपी नॉन फॉर्म एम्प्लॉयमेंट चेंज, आइएसएम मैन्युफैक्चरिंग पीएमआई, गुरुवार को ओपेक-गैर ओपेक देशो की बैठक और शुक्रवार को पैरोल के आंकड़े प्रमुख है।
इस सप्ताह सोने और चांदी के भाव में अस्थिरता के साथ दबाव रह सकता है। दिसंबर वायदा सोने में 46800 रुपए पर सपोर्ट और 49000 रुपए पर प्रतिरोध है। चांदी में ₹61800 पर सपोर्ट और ₹65000 पर प्रतिरोध है।
कीमती धातुओं के भाव त्यौहार करीब आने से चमकने लगे है। पिछले दो सप्ताह से सोने और चांदी की कीमतों में निचले स्तरों से सुधार दर्ज किया गया है। सोने और चांदी की कीमते पिछले सप्ताह मजबूती के साथ कारोबार करती नज़र आई। पिछले सप्ताह के अंत में जारी होने वाले अमेरिकी नॉन फार्म पैरोल आकड़ो से पहले सोने की कीमते सीमित दायरे में रही।
जबकि आंकड़े अनुमान से कमजोर दर्ज किये गए जिसके कारण सोने में तेज़ी दर्ज की गई। एमसीएक्स दिसंबर वायदा सोना पिछले सप्ताह 800 रुपये प्रति दस ग्राम तेज़ हो कर 47300 रुपये के स्तरों पर पहुंच गया है। दिसंबर वायदा चांदी के भाव भी मजबूत रहे और इसमें 2000 रुपये प्रति किलो की साप्ताहिक बढ़ोतरी दर्ज की गई है।
डॉलर इंडेक्स, अमेरिकी बांड उपज और वैश्विक शेयर बाज़ारो में मजबूती रही इसके बावजूद अच्छी मांग रहने की सम्भावना के चलते कीमती धातुओं के भाव ऊपरी स्तरों पर कारोबार करते रहे। सोने और चांदी के हाजिर भाव में भी पिछले सप्ताह बढ़ोतरी दर्ज की गई है। रुपये की अपेक्षा डॉलर पिछले सप्ताह में 1 प्रतिशत मजबूत हुआ है और कच्चे तेल के भाव में 6 प्रतिशत से ज्यादा की मजबूती दर्ज की गई है। चीन में चल रहे पॉवर शॉर्टेज के कारण कच्चे तेल की मांग है लेकिन कच्चे तेल और प्राकृतिक गैस की आपूर्ति सीमित बनी हुई है। जिससे सोने में निवेश की मांग भी मजबूत है।
कीमती धातुओं में इस सप्ताह भी हाजिर मांग में सपोर्ट रहने से तेज़ी रहने की सम्भावना है। कच्चे तेल के बढ़ते हुए भाव के बीच, भारत और अमेरिका से जारी होने वाले मुद्रास्फीति के आंकड़े भी सोने और चांदी के भाव के लिए महत्वपूर्ण रहेंगे। घरेलु वायदा सोने में 46000 रुपये पर सपोर्ट है और 48000 रुपये पर प्रतिरोध है। चांदी वायदा में 60000 रुपये पर सपोर्ट और 62000 रुपये पर प्रतिरोध है।
Bulls are taking a breather after a strong bull run but they are still in a mood to take forward the market towards a new milestone as there are no signs of weakness in the Indian markets.
There has been less participation from the institutional, which is leading to some consolidation in the market but in the last week, we saw there is decent buying in many quality midcaps and smallcap stocks beneath the flat headline indices.
Global Markets are also in a consolidation mood while Japanese markets are outperforming the developed markets. Global cues will be a key tracker for market behavior as there are some macroeconomic data are lined up next week like China's industrial production, US inflation numbers.
China's industrial production data for August will be announced on 15 September 2021. The US will announce the inflation rate for August 14 September 2021. US Retail Sales for August will be announced on 16 September 2021.
On the domestic front, The Wholesale price index (WPI) inflation for August 2021 is due on 14 September. After a muted or less than expected monsoon in August, the market will eye on September as the monsoon is picking up.
The dollar index is again cooling off after facing resistance at the 92.8 marks and if it continues to fall from here then we can again see FIIs' buying to pick up which may help headline indices to gain momentum for new highs. Rising COVID cases in many countries could be a challenge but the markets are ignoring it as of now because of liquidity and strong economic recovery.
In technical terms of the stock market trading, Nifty is in a strong bullish momentum but it ends last week with a small indecisive Doji candlestick formation.
Last week's high and low of 17436 and 17254 respectively will be important reference points where if Nifty starts to trade above 17436 levels then we can see levels of 17600/17750 in coming days while a move below 17254 can lead to some short term weakness where 17050/16900 will be the next support levels.
If we talk about bank nifty then it is still underperforming as investors have fintech companies as an alternative investment option to traditional banking business but it may catch up momentum soon.
It is consolidating above its 20-DMA of 36088 where 37000-37250 is an immediate resistance zone; above this, we can expect a move towards the 37700-38000 zone. On the downside, 36000 is strong support; below this, we can expect any weakness towards 35500/35000 levels. Open demat account with us and start your trading journey at an affordable brokerage rate.
Infrastructure Funding Trusts or InvITS are increasingly popular these days,, especially amongst wealthy investors who want to invest beyond low yield conventional debt devices. High net worth individuals or HNIs are seeking the InvITs as a better option to invest as the Powergrid InvITs recently completed its IPO of around 7800 Crore.
Similarly, they encourage affluent investors to purchase these InvITs, which could return 8-10%, on an annual basis.
InvITs are recently launched instruments that allow companies to monetize real based infrastructure assets such as roads, bridges and power grids. The best part for the investors is that they can receive the returns generated from the assets without putting money in the units.
InvITs and infrastructure investment trusts are investment instruments that are like mutual funds at the same time, they are regulated under SEBI. Unlike regular mutual funds, their units are listed on the stock exchange. And hence they are treated like stocks.
INVITs are a combination of both equity and debt instruments.
INVITs are launched with the aim of promoting the infrastructure of India by encouraging many young investors to invest in it and achieve attractive returns from it.
INVITs are specially designed to gather money from different investors who are invested in major income-generating assets.
The revenue generated from the infrastructure projects is distributed among the investors through dividends.
InvITs gives individuals a way to park their funds in infrastructure project by two ways:
Investment in Revenue Generating Finished Projects
This allows individuals to invest in revenue-generating finished projects through a public offering.
Investment in Projects That Come Under Construment
Investors also invest in projects that are either under construction or have been finished.
Before getting more into INVITs, let's understand the scope of infrastructure Investment Trusts
INVITs are new instruments that give companies the right to monetize their infrastructure asset and monetise the revenue. By doing this, InvITs offer their investors a reliable and steady source of income through infrastructure assets with different risks associated.
Also, a major part of cash flow is allocated in the form of tax-free dividends, which makes it more attractive to would-be investors.
Here are the returns generated by the publicly listed investment infrastructure trust:
Right Now, There are 6 Additional InvITs That are Privately Listed
Power transmission infrastructure investment trusts are considered one of the most popular investors knowing the fact that they offer a pre-tax return between 8 to 9.3 percent. Even these types of pre-tax returns are not available in the debt market even when the risk of AA /AA -segments is considered.
Hence, investors eagerly wait for these types of funds as these assets provide more liquidity like stocks. The thing is these assets are traded in the same way the stocks are.
Infrastructure investment trust SEBI consists of four elements:
The trustee should be registered with SEBI as a debenture trustee. In addition to this, a trustee has to invest at least 80% into assets of infrastructure that generate a steady profit.
To be a sponsor, a promoter, or a company with a net worth of Rs 100 Crore is required. Also, they are required to hold at least 15% of total InvITs investment with a minimum lock-in period of 3 years. In the case of public-private partnerships or PPP, sponsors serve as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV).
The authority’s main work is executing projects. In the case of PPP projects, it serves as an entity that supervises ancillary responsibilities.
Investment managers monitor all the operational activities of INVITs.
The sole purpose of INVITs is to allow infrastructure companies to repay their debt obligations effectively. This is because such types of projects take time to generate substantial cash flow, INVITs come in handy for paying off loan interest and other expenses easily.
Although InvIT is considered one of the most expensive investments, it comes with several benefits too.
Here are the benefits provided by infrastructure trusts:
InvITS enable investors opportunity to diversify their investment portfolios. Since InvITs come with multiple assets, the overall risk is minimized.
Minimize risk and excellent diversification provide shareholders with a fixed income, especially for retirees. Also, investment tools would help those people whose retirements will be coming soon.
Infrastructure investment trusts allow investors to get easy enter/exit from the fund, which in turn improves their liquidity aspect.
It is good news for investors that parking funds into the InvITs help them to generate a steady yet fixed return. For instance, an infrastructure investment trust has distributed 90% of its total cash flow to its investors. Investors also receive a dividend income on their investments.
Investing in InvITs allow promoters to minimize their debt burden through an asset sale. In addition to this, promoters can use the debt amount in reinvesting other projects.
Though INVIT looks like a bond in the form of an equity structure, the returns generated from them are not as good as the returns generated from FDs.
Since the majority of the infrastructure projects are underlying; they could face operational and credit risk which in turn could impact the ability of the INVIT to generate steady cash flows.
A lot of risks are associated with capital raising and acquiring new assets to sustain cash flow for a long time. These risks will not only affect the overall surplus but also capital value. The quality of new assets added to an InvITs heavily impacts its stock price and cash flow.
INVITs are quite similar to stocks and therefore they are also listed on the stock exchange through IPO. The minimum amount required to invest in INVITs is Rs 10 Lakh. Notably, small investors find it hard to invest directly into InvITs through IPO. Regardless, HNIs and other high profile investors consider it as a good opportunity to invest because of its return prospects.
As said earlier, InvITs are a good option to manage wealth to an upper wealth as it generates a steady term income. In reality, you need to make sure that the fund gives a return in the long run. Also, you can't neglect the risk associated with the underlying assets.
INVITs are a good option to invest only if investors are willing to spare a minimum of three years on the same. Investors should know that INVITs are often associated with short term price fluctuations as the variations are always there in the interest rates.
वैश्विक स्तर पर बढ़ते कोवीड-19 मामलों के कारण चल रही अनिश्चितता और डेल्टा संस्करण के निरंतर प्रसार से, साथ ही अफगानिस्तान के भू राजनितिक मुद्दों के कारण अनिश्चितता बढ़ी है जिससे सोने के भाव को सपोर्ट मिला हुआ है। घरेलु बाजार में डॉलर 0.15 प्रतिशत साप्ताहिक तेज़ हुआ है।
लेकिन अमेरिका से अपेक्षाकृत सकारात्मक आर्थिक आंकड़ों ने डॉलर, जो सोने के विपरीत दिशा में चलता है को एक मजबूती दी है जिसके कारण सोने और चांदी के भाव में दबाव बना हुआ है। डॉलर उम्मीदों से अधिक तेज़ हुआ है जिसके पीछे की वजह अमेरिकी फेडरल रिजर्व है जो इस साल प्रोत्साहन को कम करना शुरू कर सकता है। जैसा कि पिछले सप्ताह प्रकाशित, जुलाई की बैठक के मिनटों से पता चलता है।
चीन में डेल्टा वेरिएंट के कारण आंशिक प्रतिबंध होने से औद्योगिक मांग घटी है जिसके कारण चांदी के भाव में तुलनात्मक रूप से अधिक मंदी पिछले कुछ सप्ताह में रही है। दूसरी तरफ, वैश्विक स्तरों पर प्रतिबंद होने के कारण कच्चे तेल की मांग भी घटने की सम्भावना होने से कीमतों में दबाव है। सोना-कच्चे तेल का अनुपात बढ़ने लगा है और कच्चे तेल की कीमते सपोर्ट स्तरों पर है।
कच्चे तेल में अगर आगे भी गिरावट होती है तो सोने के भाव में दबाव रह सकता है। एसपीडीआर गोल्ड ट्रस्ट में होल्डिंग्स अगस्त माह में घट कर 1015 टन के निचले स्तरों पर है। अमेरिका में नए बेरोजगारी दावों की संख्या पिछले सप्ताह गिरकर 17 महीने के निचले स्तर पर आ गई, जिसके मुताबिक एक और महीने में मजबूत रोजगार वृद्धि हुई है। अफगानिस्तान में बढ़ती चिंताओं के कारण सोने में सेफ हेवन मांग का सपोर्ट है।
इस सप्ताह अमेरिका के प्रमुख आंकड़े है जिनमे : सोमवार को फ़्लैश मैन्युफैक्चरिंग पीएमआई, बुधवार को कोर दुरेबल गुड्स ऑर्डर्स, गुरुवार को बेरोज़गारी दावे, प्रिलिम जीडीपी, जैक्सनहोल सिम्पोसियम और शुक्रवार को आर्थिक नजरिये पर फेड प्रमुख जेरोम पॉवेल का बयान है।
इस सप्ताह सोने और चांदी के भाव पर दबाव रह सकता है। सोने में 48200 रुपये पर प्रतिरोध है और 47000 रुपये पर सपोर्ट है। चांदी में 64000 रुपये पर प्रतिरोध और 61000 रुपये पर सपोर्ट है।
Investors marked a heavy decline in venture funding especially in the 3rd week of July. This is because the week saw other activities such as SME IPO launching, M&A acquisition and global companies that were seeking interest in other major companies.
The 3rd week of July saw a major decline in venture capital funding as the total cost of funding went up to $209 million across 29 deals while in the previous week, the VC funding amounted to $ 847 million.
Also, the startup ecosystem has witnessed many renowned companies that are quite famous among Indian citizens. Here, we are talking about the much-awaited food tech Zomato’s IPO.
Other companies that the investors are witnessing are global logistic giant FedEx which has recently invested in Delhivery while Google; a search engine giant also invested in Slang labs. Oyo Rooms also raised $ 600 million in debt.
In this year, 21 Indian startups entered the unicorn club in 2021. Apart from food tech giant Zomato, there are other startups too who witnessed the first healthcare, social commerce, crypto and pharmacy unicorn this year.
Moreover, there are eight startups are also in line which entered the unicorn club in April 2021. These are Fintech Startup CRED, Sharechat, Social media Startup Meesho, Wealth management company Groww, messaging platform Gupshup.
News aggregator app Inshorts raised $60 million in funding with participation from existing investors.
Online storytelling app Pratilipi also witnessed that it raised $ 48 million in funding led by Krafton Inc, a South Korean gaming company.
Social e-commerce platform Trell also raised a capital of $ 45 million which is led by MIRAE Asset, LB investment and H&M Group.
Real estate startup Square Yards raised $25 million in growth financing from ADM capital.
Company Investors Total Amount Raised News Aggregator Inshorts $60 Million Online Story telling Pratilipi $48 Million Social E-commerce Trell $45 Million Real Estate Square Yards$ 25 Million
In addition to this, The Ayurveda Company, SMOOR, UrbanKisaan and Indienergy raised an undisclosed amount of funding last month.
M Power Financing raised $100 million through venture capital. The company provides education loans for the students who study in North America.
Bookee, a SAAS startup, raised undisclosed capital from angel investors. The company primarily focuses on the fitness industry.
Multiplier, an HR tech startup raised $4 million in funding led by India’s Surge and other investors.
AI Startup Netradyne raised capital of $ 150 million from the Softbank Vision Fund and other investors.
Edtech unicorn Vedantu also seeks to acquire a majority of stakes in Pedagogy; an e-learning platform.
Trentar acquired a 75% stake in GarudaUAV; a Noida based drone service provider.
Last month Elevation and Sequoia raised a capital of $38 million in Fampay, a banking startup for youngsters primarily teenagers. It was considered as one of the largest startups in India’s startup history whose company valuation services went up to $150-170 million for a company that has yet to make any revenue.
Now the question arises: Was the whole deal expensive? Yes, of course. Despite knowing all the risks, Elevation invested in Fampay because they think that the founders are two years ahead of anyone else in the market.
If at an early stage, you are predicting a multi-billion dollar outcome, the entry valuation costs hardly matter, said a person close to the firm.
On 25 December 2020, numerous VCs, founders etc went on a break after the arrival of COVID 1st wave.
During those panic times, partners at Accel and Sequoia have kept their operations of finalizing terms to invest in Powerplay.
They need not have shown that type of hustle in the normal market. They know the market is quite volatile where you have to keep yourself super fast said one of the top VCs.
An angel investor is an individual who gives capital to a start-up, and in return, they expect convertible debt or ownership equity. Angel investors generally provide support for startups that are at their initial stages and when most investors are not prepared to back them.
Nowadays, a small but increasing number of angel investors invest online through trading crowdfunding as well as to provide advice to their portfolio companies.
VC firms are also enquiring about their portfolio founders’ angel investors which are made in early-stage startups. They keep an eye on all the startups as VCs don’t want to see a single company.
The speed of making deals has increased as the founders and investors made many calls to the investors during the pandemic.
Before the initial phase of COVID 19, physical meetings were the norm and because both the start-up members and other people wanted the comfort of in-person discussions that take time to set up and the whole discussion.
Earlier, investors used to do three calls with a founder before issuing a term sheet. However, they still do three calls but in a shorter period.
Startup companies who want expansion for their business growth often go for IPO launching. It is a better opportunity for companies to get recognized on equity trading platforms.
Evaluation of a company is essentially important for business owners to assess both opportunity and opportunity costs as it helps them to identify the strength and weaknesses of the reviewed company.
सोना दो सप्ताह के उच्च स्तर के पास पहुंच गया है और 21 मई के बाद से अपने सबसे बड़े साप्ताहिक बढ़त के साथ कॉमेक्स में 1830 डॉलर प्रति औंस के स्तरों पर है। कॉमेक्स वायदा चांदी के भाव भी 26 डॉलर के करीब पहुंच गए है। अमेरिकी फेडरल रिजर्व द्वारा पिछले सप्ताह की बैठक में संकेत मिले है कि छोटी अवधि में संपत्ति की कमी शुरू करने और ब्याज दरों में वृद्धि की संभावना नहीं है।डॉलर जो सोने के विपरीत दिशा में चलता है, एक माह के निचले स्तरों पर पहुंच चुका है। पिछले सप्ताह अमेरिका से जारी होने वाले बेरोज़गारी के आंकड़े भी फेड के अनुरूप रहे जिसमे बेरोज़गारी दावों में बढ़त दर्ज की गई है। एसपीडीआर गोल्ड ट्रस्ट में पिछले एक महीने के बाद 0.6 प्रतिशत की बढ़त दर्ज की गई है। घरेलु वायदा बाजार में सोना सप्ताह मे निचले स्तरों से 1000 रुपये तेज़ हो कर 48200 प्रति दस ग्राम रुपये के स्तरों पर है। चांदी पिछले सप्ताह निचले स्तरों से 2300 रुपये तेज़ हुई है और इसके भाव 68200 रुपये प्रति किलो के करीब रहे। 10 साल की अमेरिकी बांड उपज निचले स्तरों 1.25 प्रतिशत पर ही बनी हुई है। जिससे सोने और चांदी के भाव को सपोर्ट है।
इस सप्ताह के महत्वपूर्ण आर्थिक आंकड़े जिनमे सोमवार को अमेरिकी आइएसएम मैन्युफैक्चरिंग पीएमआई, बुधवार को एडीपी नॉन फार्म एम्प्लॉयमेंट चेंज, आइएसएम सर्विस पीएमआई, गुरुवार को ब्रिटैन की मौद्रिक नीति और शुक्रवार को अमेरिकी पैरोल के आंकड़े प्रमुख है।
इस सप्ताह सोने और चांदी में तेज़ी रहने सम्भावना है। सोने में 47800 रुपये पर सपोर्ट और 48500 रुपये पर प्रतिरोध है। चांदी में 66000 रुपये पर सपोर्ट और 69000 रुपये पर प्रतिरोध है।
In the first two months of the current fiscal year, India INC is likely to see a sharp growth in overseas borrowing, by creating a new record as many companies opt for fundraising in the coming months amid a sustained period for durable project financing.Also, we are ready to cross a record of fundraising which is approximately 20 billion more than the country witnessed in 2019; said Chetan Joshi, the managing director and head of debt finance.Last year, India Inc invested USD 1.39 billion in overseas ventures. However, every month, the investment amount got down by 58% from USD 6.71 billion in May 2021, according to the RBI data on outward investment in Indian firms. If you look at the total investment during June 2021, USD 1.17 billion was issued in the form of a guarantee, whereas USD 1.21 billion was given a loan. The equity trading investment stood at USD 426.84 million. Major investors such as Tata steel owned a subsidiary worth USD 1 Billion in Singapore; WIPRO USD 787.5 million in a fully-owned unit in the US.Reliance Industries have invested USD 56 million in agriculture and mining based WOS in Singapore, Interglobe Enterprises invested USD 51.5 million in a joint venture in the UK.
According to the latest RBI figures, gross FDI inflows more than doubled to $18.3 Billion in April-May in 2021 as compared to the last year which was 8.5 billion dollars. However, more than one-third of the inflows is available in the form of the stock purchase rather than new project investment. Nevertheless, the inflows help to boost the country’s foreign exchange reserves. It may be noted that stock acquisitions are not traded on a stock exchange. They generally include private equity investment, pre-IPO equity investment or a massive purchase of more than 10% of a firm’s dissolved equity by M&A transactions.
Last year multiple firms attempted to raise funds either privately or publicly to prepare for a pickup demand this year. Market observers give credit to the investors who started the preparation of major giants such as Zomato SME IPO and others. Many people believe that it is a part of a larger pattern. According to RBI’s foreign investment data, inflows through the purchase channel were at least half a billion dollars in eight of the eleven months between 20 July and 21 May. Such things attract long term foreign exchange reserves. The total of these inflows in $ 6 billion in the month of May alone. RBI has stated this as a common Foreign Direct Investment trend, with share purchase deals dominating. It has increased market intervention as evidenced by its foreign exchange reserves. Even though the foreign portfolio investors withdrew $1.5 billion from India and the demand of the dollar price continued to rise because of higher imports, India’s foreign exchange reserves went up by $ 19 billion in April-May.As per the recent United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, India has emerged as the most active destination for FDI and was among the top five countries that attract FDI in the past years.
Due to the fall of economic statistics resulting from the shrinkage in the economy; one set of data that grabs everyone’s attention is: data on Foreign Direct Investment inflows into India. Total FDI inflows in the first nine months of FY 2020-21 were greater than $ 67.5 billion, which was $ 12 billion in FY 2019-20. This means that the inflows during FY 20-21 would have surpassed the record figure of $ 74.9 billion in 2019-20.Equity inflows gave rise in FDI inflow as the inflow increased about $51.5 billion in April-December 2020-21 from $ 37.8 billion in the last fiscal year. This shows that the equity inflows increased by more than 36%.These figures appear to be so optimistic, given that they were released during the most devastating downturns recorded in the world economy. If you try to understand the significance of these inflows, the two questions that investors must ask are: How much FDI helps in revitalizing the Indian economy by enhancing the production capacity? Secondly, will these inflows take part in the government’s initiatives ‘ the Atmanorbhar Abhiyan’ which was announced after the first pandemic to help the manufacturing sector overcome the losses? The FY 20-21 was particularly significant since it featured the selling of Reliance Industries equity to overseas investors. As the pandemic attracted some of the headlines about its strategic alliance with some significant foreign corporations, the data available allow us to place the Reliance deals in India’s overall FDI overflows. Apart from the Reliance transactions, you must consider the patterns of FDI inflows from April to December 2020-21 are consistent with the GOI’s development programs. Keeping this in mind, the Atma Nirbhar Abhiyan, which is the highlight of the manufacturing sector, should be given priority. As per the government, FDI is one of the important ingredients for implementing this agenda. FDI data shows that despite the government’s inflows from April to December 2020-21; this sector received only 13% of the total. The services sector grabbed almost 80% of the total inflows with the IT sector accounting for 47% of the total inflows. This is not surprising, considering JIO platform activities are classes as other IT and computer service activities by the RBI. Aside from the services, wholesale and retail commerce were the most important industries.
The rise in cash holdings under the circumstances of the pandemic and its impact may not be worrisome for investors as corporates may be looking at conserving cash for any potential growth opportunities shortly.
The new delta variant of Covid 19, has gained much attention these days, as it is heavily spreading across numerous countries worldwide. The new variant, identified in India, is already spread in the U.K. and is growing rapidly in other services including Italy, France, and Germany. On Wednesday, The WHO said that the new variant has been detected in 96 countries while the Department of Disease Control and Prevention in the US called this variant a matter of concern as of June month, it accounts for 20% of all US cases. A handful of emerging market currencies have achieved many profits as compared to dollars this year. However, you may see the list may shrink as the excessive contagious delta variant heavily impacts the economies of developing countries. According to Credit Agricole CIB, countries that are already lagging in the vaccination rates may feel the pressure because they have already put restrictions that may hurt the economic activities of developing nations like South Africa. The best performers of 2021, the rand and rubble, were among the first that knocked an index of emerging market currencies lower in June for the first time in three months. Sebastien Barbe, the head of emerging market strategy at Credit Agricole, said that the achievement in terms of vaccination will be a differentiation factor among emerging markets in the second half. The impact of the further spread of this delta variant will significantly vary on the vaccination rates, and several economic and political factors, he added. Both the South African rand and Colombian Peso are currently experiencing the pain from a spike during the Covid 19 cases, which is keeping expectations for tiger monetary policy at bay. It also affected their economies: strict restrictions drastically affected African economic activities, Colombia, on the other hand, decided to postpone the plan to raise taxes to combat the crisis generated from the new variant.As per Al-Hussaini, a senior interest rate and currency analyst, the currencies of South Africa and Columbia, the weaker as compared to other countries. This is because the central banks of South Africa and Columbia have failed to hike interest rates so that they can build up a real rate cushion against the U.S.He further said: the prospect of higher fiscal spending and the risk of global outflows post-yield-hungry global investors flocked to the nations’ assets this year.If we compare the former two countries with Brazil and Mexico, then the peso will be more flexible because they kept their bank policy more strict than other countries.The real has outperformed all the developing nations even as the Covid 19 cases remains high. The consistent spread of new variant strain on Southeast Asia. MUFG Bank Limited expects a slight decline in the tourism revenue on Thailand’s baht.At the same time, Indonesia’s rupiah experienced a drastic fall since April, as the country imposed the strictest curbs yet on the economic centres of Java and Bali.
Only a few developing nations - Chile, Israel, China and UAE and Central Eastern European countries - have successfully vaccinated half of their populations, which gives us an idea to control the spreading of the Delta variant," Bank of America Corp. said once in a report last Friday. Most major emerging markets should get there by year-end that includes Indonesia, Mexico, Turkey, Brazil, India said David Hauner, head of cross-asset strategy at Bofa. South Africa is the outlier, as only 5% of its population is vaccinated. As per the current situation, it would take around 2023, for the nation to reach 50%. In Columbia, approximately 11% of the total population gets vaccinated - a lower proportion than Chile, Brazil and Mexico. Economic data bears out the division: purchasing managers’ indexes in Russia and South Africa, along with those in Asian regions with relatively low vaccination rates, fell in June. Those in Eastern Europe and Latin America, where vaccination programs are more advanced, mostly rose.This may put pressure on developing-nation central banks to remain accommodative, another negative for the currencies because the federal reserve has discussed the withdrawal of stimulus.As it could heavily create the distance between emerging and developed markets.Many industrialized nations such as the U.K. continue to struggle to combat the virus despite having tight restrictions and ease of vaccine availability. Hence, the latest surge in infections in many developing countries is not driven by the new strain which in turn said that outcomes could be far worse now.Copenhagen based senior macro strategist, Witold Bahrke said: "We are watching the resurgence of infection numbers closely. It is one of the factors that lead us to EM currencies, mainly due to its potential impact on the growth of EM-DM.
Central bankers in Peru, Poland, Malaysia, and Romania are requested to keep borrowing costs at their current levels. Romanian policymakers are advised to keep the nation’s benchmark rate at 1.25%. The leu has slumped 4.2% in 2021.Another day, Malaysia’s central bank is requested to hold its policy rate at a record low of 1.75%, thus maintaining an accommodative stance after the government announced a new fiscal package worth $36 billion last week. On Thursday, Peruvian policymakers expected to keep the country’s benchmark rate at a record low of 0.25%. However, they might take a more cautious tone in their statement after a higher than expected inflation last week.
Inflation is due from countries like Thailand, the Philippines and Taiwan on Wednesday. On Friday, China is all set to publish gauges of consumer and producer price inflation. According to Bloomberg's intelligence report, China’s PPI may cool from a 13 month high of 9% in May due to the price fall of metal ore and coal. Taiwan will soon post foreign reserve data on Monday, followed by Indonesia, China, and Malaysia. On Thursday, Thailand will submit foreign reserves data to the respective authorities.
पिछले सप्ताह सोना एक हफ्ते के निचले स्तर पर पहुंच गया। मजबूत डॉलर और बढ़ती जोखिम की क्षमता के बीच बढ़ते कोवीड -19 मामलों पर चिंता कम हो गई जिससे निवेशकों के लिए सोने की सेफ हेवन अपील को कम कर दिया है। बढ़ते शेयर बाज़ारो में भी डेल्टा संस्करण की चिंता को नज़र अंदाज़ कर दिया और जोखिम की तरफ निवेशकों का रुझान बना।सोने की कीमतें दबाव में हैं क्योंकि डॉलर अब तीन महीने के उच्चतम स्तर के आसपास मँडरा रहा है और शेयर बाज़ारो ने दूसरे दिन भी तेज़ी को बरक़रार रखा जिसका अर्थ है कि व्यापारी कोवीड -19 चिंताओं को दूर कर रहे हैं और पुनः मुद्रास्फीति बढ़ने की स्थिति बन रही है। लेकिन यूरोपियन सेंट्रल बैंक की बैठक के बाद सोने और चांदी में निचले स्तरों से सुधार देखा गया है।जिसमे उन्होंने अपने नीतिगत फैसले को सौंपते हुए ब्याज दरों को रिकॉर्ड निचले स्तर पर और भी अधिक समय तक बनाए रखने का वादा किया और मुद्रास्फीति पर माध्यम अवधि के लिए अपना नजरिया लक्ष्य के निचे रहना बताया।अमेरिका के आर्थिक आंकड़े पिछले सप्ताह कमजोर दर्ज किये गए और बांड यील्ड में भी निचले स्तरों से उछाल दर्ज किया गया जिससे डॉलर इंडेक्स में मजबूती रही और सोना-चांदी में बढ़त सीमित हो गई।इस सप्ताह अमेरिकी फ़ेडरल रिज़र्व बैंक की बैठक, सोने और चांदी के भाव के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण ट्रिगर होगा। घरेलु वायदा सोना पिछले सप्ताह 2 प्रतिशत टूट कर 47600 रुपये प्रति दस ग्राम पर रहा। चांदी में 1.5 प्रतिशत की साप्ताहिक मंदी दर्ज की गई है।
इस सप्ताह सोना और चांदी के भाव में निचले स्तरों से उछाल आने की संभावना है। सोने में 46600 रुपये पर सपोर्ट है और 48000 रुपये पर प्रतिरोध है। चांदी में 66000 रुपये पर सपोर्ट और 68400 रुपये पर प्रतिरोध है।
SEBI aka Securities and Boards of India (SEBI) has recently approved well-informed investors from the category of wealth who will be allowed to invest in riskier products, which are usually allowed to individuals. Termed accredited investors could be family trusts, individuals, proprietorships, etc. The regulator’s board also strict the norms for the independent directors. Also, it has been mentioned that independent directors can be appointed only through a special resolution passed by the shareholders. The resolution requires a total of 75% votes in favour to be passed. Furthermore, the regulator also has explained and strengthened the disclosure requirements for the skills required to be an independent director. Moreover, the regulator said that the nomination and remuneration committee finally decides on the appointments and compensations that should have two-thirds independent directors compared to a majority now. SEBI or the regulator also specify that all the related party transactions will be approved by only independent directors.The board further said that the entire resignation letter of an independent director should be disclosed along with present directorships and membership of the board committee. All the changes that have been mentioned above will take effect from January 2022. As per the SEBI officials, they will set eligibility criteria for the investors who can get the accreditation from the top stock exchanges, subsidiaries of depositories and more. The regulator had floated a consultation paper in February which had specified some of the criteria such as annual income that must be at least 2 Crore or minimum net worth of 7.5 Crore or minimum annual income of 1 Crore with a minimum net worth of Rs 1 Crore. Authorized investors have the flexibility to invest the minimum amount mandated in SEBI rules and subject to certain conditions from regulatory requirements.SEBI also came up with a new idea in order to minimize insider trading. For instance, it has extended the maximum reward amount for an informant who gives the information on insider trading from Rs 10 Crore to 1 Crore. It has also extended the payment of rewards to informants. The regulator has also approved several changes to its mutual fund regulations that require asset management companies to need more funds in riskier schemes so that they have more skin in the game. As of now, AMC is required to invest only one percent of the amount raised in an NFO that is Rs 50 lakhs. Furthermore, the SEBI also allows debt issuers who have a less than 3-year track record so that they can raise more funds than they issue only on a private placement basis on an exchange bond bidding platform.
The first proposal is directly proportional to the definition of an independent director. As of now, the restrictions are set only to those who have been known to be the termed accredited investors, such as family trusts and proprietorships. Also, the restrictions for those who have had a direct relationship with the directors. The cooling-off period for each was three and two years respectively. In order to maintain a balance, SEBI has proposed to introduce a single cooling-off period for three years. This means, if any person belongs to Key Managerial Persons or its relatives that have had a relationship with the company, its subsidiaries, or promoters, can be appointed as an independent director in a listed entity only three years from the date.
Under SEBI regulations, the directors are appointed and nominated by the company’s board and the approval needs to be taken by shareholders through an ordinary resolution.
SEBI has given more detailed disclosures by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee regarding the selection of candidates for the post of independent director. If there is a vacancy in the name of an independent director, the new candidate appointed by the board must need approval within 3 months.
In order to strengthen the disclosure around the resignation of independent directors, SEBI has proposed the following: The entire resignation letter needs to be disclosed to the shareholders along with a list of membership in the committees of the board. The independent director, who resigns from a board citing pre-occupation, and personal commitments is subjected to a cooling period of 1 year before he/she joins another board.
As of now, two-thirds of the board's committee needs to compromise independent directors. The decisions made by audit committees range from the finalization of accounts to related party transactions; SEBI has proposed the following:2/3rds of the total strength of an audit committee needs to be composed of independent directors, while the remaining must be non-executive directors who are not related to the promoter.
SEBI board toughen norms for independent directors. It is said that independent directors can be appointed through a special type of resolution passed by the shareholders.
SEBI has now sought the views of the Ministry of corporate affairs on this issue, as any change would first have to be applied to company law before SEBI could follow suit. The president and Chief Operating Officer of numerous advisory firms said the discussion paper provides the increasing expectations of investors from independent directors.
पिछले सप्ताह हुई ओपेक देशो की बैठक में कच्चे तेल के उत्पादन में अनुमान से धीमी गति से बढ़ोतरी करने और मांग बढ़ने के संकेत पर अमेरिकी कच्चा तेल 2 डॉलर प्रति बैरल तक तेज़ हुआ है। और ऑक्टूबर 2018 के स्तरों पर कीमते पहुंच चुकी है।
ओपेक और अन्य तेल उत्पादक देश अपनी बैठक में अगस्त और दिसंबर के बीच बाजार में लगभग 20 लाख बैरल प्रति दिन (बीपीडी) तेल जोड़ने की ओर बढ़ रहा है। उत्पादन में 50 लाख बीपीडी तक बढ़ोतरी का अनुमान था लेकिन इसको घटा देने पर कच्चे तेल के भाव में तेज़ी जारी रही। कच्चे तेल की बढ़ती हुई मांग के कारण केवल 20 लाख बैरल की आपूर्ति बढ़ाना, कीमतों को सपोर्ट कर रही है। बाजार अनुमानित उत्पादन वृद्धि को आसानी से अवशोषित कर सकता है।
अनुमान के मुताबिक 50 लाख बैरल प्रतिदिन तक भी बाजार अवशोषित कर सकता है। अनुमान है कि साल की दूसरी छमाही में तेल की मांग में तेजी आएगी क्योंकि अधिक लोगों को कोवीड-19 के खिलाफ टीका लगाया जा चुका होगा और यात्रा प्रतिबंधों में ढील दे दी जाएगी। वर्ष की पहली छमाही में, आर्थिक सुधार और तेल की मांग में वृद्धि हुई है।
पिछले सप्ताह जारी ऊर्जा सूचना प्रशासन के आंकड़ों से पता चलता है कि बढ़ती मांग के कारण संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में कच्चे तेल का भंडार पिछले सप्ताह भी घट गया है। एमसीएक्स जुलाई वायदा में पिछले सप्ताह 150 रुपये प्रति बैरल तक की तेज़ी देखि गई है और इसके भाव 5650 रुपये प्रति बैलर के स्तरों पर पहुंच गए है। ब्रेंट और अमेरिकी डब्लूटीआई कच्चे तेल के भाव 75 डॉलर प्रति बैरल के स्तरों पर है।
एमसीएक्स कच्चे तेल के जुलाई वायदा में इस सप्ताह तेज़ी जारी रह सकती है और इसमें 5750 रुपये पर प्रतिरोध है और 5300 रुपये पर सपोर्ट है।
IPO or Initial Public Offering is a process where a private company starts to trade publicly in the stock market by issuing its shares for sale.Before issuing an IPO, a company is considered as private and as a private company, the growth is significant. Hence, to grow their business successfully, small companies decide to go public so that they can raise funds and expand their business operations.
In the year 2020, we saw some of the biggest stock IPOs such as Burger King, SBI Cards, Happiest Minds Technologies and Rossari Biotech, and in 2021, we are going to experience some of the biggest releases owing to the record high of Nifty and Sensex both. Investors are eagerly waiting for these SME IPOs as they can book a significant amount of profit once the lots are issued to them. Many investors keep an eye on the IPOs as they can get fast access to earn huge returns.
However, IPOs mainly target institutional investors as they have enough capital to invest than retail investors who invest in small amounts. Here, we found some of the companies that are likely or have already filed DRHP with SEBI to make themselves public from private. SEBI then approves the IPO for the companies after that they can go for the further IPO process. Here is a complete list of hottest IPOs that caught everyone’s attention:
Zomato is one of the popular hot stocks that everyone is seeking in 2021. The online food ordering company is all set to launch its first IPO this year that allows the company to raise $1.1 billion.
Company Background
Zomato is one of the leading food services companies in India. Initially started as a restaurant, the company was founded by two students Depinder Goyal and Pankaj Chaddah in 2008. It showed strong business performance and great potential as it transformed itself into a successful food delivery platform. As of 31 December 2020, the company’s availability is 526 cities in India with 350,174 active listings. In 2020, Zomato mobile food application is one of the most downloaded food delivery companies in the last three years since 2018 on the iOS app store and Google as per Annie’s. While it has footprints outside India as of 31 December 2020. It has successfully dealt with the losses during a pandemic and successfully managed to make its ground against its competitor Swiggy which dominates the market like Zomato. As of now, Swiggy holds 47% market share and Zomato holds 45% market share.
Zomato IPO Details
As per the news sources, Zomato Limited is thinking to raise Rs 8250 Crore through IPO. Zomato filed the DRHP with SEBI in April 2021. Here, the lead managers to issue are Citigroup Global Market India, Kotak Mahindra Capital Company Limited, Morgan Stanley India Limited.
Paytm is an Indian Digital Payment System and financial technology company. As per the sources, India’s biggest online payment and wallet giant has decided to raise a fund of $3 billion through fresh equity.
Company Background
Paytm is the fastest growing digital payment system that offers online use-cases such as mobile recharge, utility bill payments, event bookings at grocery stores and educational institutions with Paytm QR Code. As per the company valuation report, more than 21 million people across India use their QR code payment system to accept payment directly into their bank accounts.
Paytm IPO Details
Paytm’s competitors are Google pay and Phonepe that maintain a stronghold in the market. However, the company has reported a loss for FY 2021 and hence it goes for the IPO process. The current valuation of a Noida based company is at $16 billion. It is said that the company is all set to file a red herring prospectus to SEBI. As per the sources, an extraordinary general meeting will be held on 12 July 2021.
Company Background
Flipkart is one of the largest eCommerce companies after Amazon, headquartered in Bangalore, Karnataka. The company’s main product categories are consumer electronics, home essentials, fashion, groceries and lifestyle products. As of today, Flipkart has over 311 million registered users and over 151 million products in several categories. As eCommerce becomes more prominent during the pandemic, the company is looking forward to more revenues in the coming years.
Flipkart IPO
The Indian E-commerce company, which was bought by Walmart Inc, has finally decided to go public in the last year of FY21. The company’s objective is to raise a fund of about $1billion and is currently valued at $ 25 to $ 30 billion. Investing in Flipkart's share is a good bet for the investors as it will help them to gain excellent share trading returns in the coming years.
Company Background
Nykaa is India’s largest women-centric online marketplace with around 15 million registered users that caters to 1.5 million orders a month. Founded in 2012, the platform is specially designed to supply the beauty products and personal care segments which makes it different from other eCommerce sites such as Amazon and Flipkart.
Nykaa IPO Details
As per the report, beauty and fashion retailer Nykaa is expected to go public in 2022 with an estimated valuation of $ 4.5 billion. The expected size of Nykaa’s public offering listing is to be between $500 million and $ 700 million.Nykaa or the beauty retailer designated Morgan Stanley and Kotak Mahindra Capital co. as managers for its initial public offering (IPO).
Company Background
Nuvoco Vistas is considered the fifth-largest cement company in India and the largest cement company in terms of capacity. The company’s cement production capacity constituted 4.2% of the total capacity in India. As per the CRISIL report, Nuvoco Vistas is one of the leading ready mix concrete manufacturers in India. Nuvoco Vistas Cement plants are mainly located in Bihar, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Haryana and Rajasthan. The RMX plants are located all across India.
Nuvoco Vistas IPO Details
Nuvoco Vistas is a reputed cement brand under the household Nirma. The issue size of the IPO is around 5000 crores, out of which Rs 1500 crore will be a fresh issue. The remaining is available for sale.
On March 13th, 2020 the Pharma index on National Stock Exchange made a low of 6242.85 since from that day the pharmaceutical stock has given a tremendous return. The pharma index made a high of 14282.90 an up move of 8040.05 points with almost 40% returns in 1 year and it has been assumed that the future outlook of the Indian Pharmaceutical industry will have a 3 times growth from till next decade. Indian domestic market is estimated to grow around US$ 41 billion by 2021 and may reach US$ 65 billion by 2024.These growth figures indicate that in long term the pharma sector can be a game-changer for the investors along with a great contribution to the countries economy. We are the major suppliers of generic medicines & drugs across the globe and with new PLI schemes and government intervention for 100% FDI the pharmaceutical industry will witness new growth ahead in the future. The contribution of around 1.72 % to the GDP of the country, makes a significant mark. Earlier it was only 1% in last decade. Lots of research& development programs, FDI inflow opens new avenues for the industry to grow further. The flow of $ 16.5 billion by FDI in April 2000-June 2020, due to 100% FDI is approval in greenfield projects via automatic route & 74 % FDI for brownfield projects. The efforts made by pharmaceutical companies to overcome the current Covid-19 crisis with the help of the Indian government show the robustness itself. We are the largest manufacturer of vaccines across the globe, and the fight against COVID-19 will not be successful without Indian vaccine manufacturers. We were the first to produce the vaccination for Covid-19.With this outperformance, many companies turned out to be multi-baggers for the investors.
The company manufactures a wide range of APIs for oral cephalosporins, beta-lactams formulation, Special nutraceuticals, etc. The company is also engaged in formulation development for various segments like anti-oxidants, oral anti-diabetics. The return given by the company is 25,770.64% in one year with 52 weekly low of Rs.17.15 & made a high of Rs.2654.25
The company engaged in the manufacturing of pharmaceutical formulations of Betalactum and Non-Betalactum productsThe return given by the company is 567.32% in one year with 52 weekly low of Rs.20.35 & made a high of Rs.233.55
The company engaged in the manufacturing and supplying of International Quality Formulations and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients worldwide. The return given by the company is 562.09% in one year with 52 weekly low of Rs.27.05 & made a high of Rs.234
The company manufactures & markets drugs for domestic & international customers, Primarily engaged in the manufacturing of oncology products It includes anti-cancer tablets, Injections & lyophilized injections.The return given by the company is 520.00% in one year with 52 week low of Rs.47. & made a high of Rs.350.20
The company offers an integrated portfolio of API which includes intermediate, generic finished dosage forms and carries out contract research services. The return given by the company is 476.39% in one year with 52 weekly low of Rs.92.80. & made a high of Rs.544.95
The company engaged in the business of manufacturing of formulations Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient(API) and Contract Research and Manufacturing Services.The return given by the company is 425% in one year with 52 weekly low of Rs.19.05 & made a high of Rs.114.00
The Company is a leading manufacturer of active pharmaceutical ingredients & an end-to-end solution provider for the pharmaceutical industry.The return given by the company is 423.19% in one year with 52 weekly low of Rs.387.75 & made a high of Rs.2844.40
The company is pure play for API & engaged in the manufacturing & development of API. It also offers Contract Manufacturing & development services for foreign companies.The return given by the company is 215.97% in one year with 52 week low of Rs.516.35 & made a high of Rs. 1859.95
The company is one of the major pharmaceutical manufacturers in the country. It is engaged in the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals. It also operates in anti-diarrhoea, anti-inflammatory, and anti-biotic therapeutic segments.The return given by the company is 201.72% in one year with a 52 week low of Rs.227.75 & made a high of Rs. 1026.95
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